Advanced level skipper course for sailors with a skipper’s license who want to increase their sailing range and deepen their level of understanding of yachts at sea.
The course is suitable for ages 18 and over.
In this course we go on a two-day voyage where the campers receive command of the boat together with the guide from the beginning of the course and go on a two-day voyage (the destination changes depending on the weather conditions) where the whole goal is to experience a long voyage together with an overnight stay on the boat and to be in changing sea conditions while understanding responsibility and control About a team at sea.
At the end of the course, the trainees in the course will receive an international ISSA offshore license that allows long-distance sailing from the coast during the day and at night on a sailboat.
An offshore skipper sailboat with an auxiliary engine allows you to sail up to 80 miles offshore on a 24-meter vessel day and night with a gross weight of up to 50 GT.
If the students do not have a GMDSS license to operate maritime communication, they will take a maritime communication course during the voyage
The course can be taken during the optional course as a mandatory condition for certification.
The course has up to 4 students with an instructor.
The cost of the course is 1460 euros per license.
Course price: €1160
Test price and certificate: €300
Passing the test is a mandatory condition for receiving the certificate