The basic skipper course is suitable for ages 16 and over.

In which you learn control of a motorized sailing vessel with a large engine, seamanship along with knowing the structure of a yacht inside and out, learning about meteorology, navigation with navigation devices and coastal navigation with maps, boat crew management, safety rules with sailing vessels at sea according to weather conditions and more.

At the end of the course, you get an ISSA international license.

We also conduct an SRC course operating a marine radio link (VHF) as part of the course.

Insure Motor Skipper allows you to sail up to a distance of 20 miles during the day only on a powerful motor yacht up to 16 meters in length.

The minimum time required to complete the course: 50 study hours.

You can attend a concentrated and intensive course of five consecutive days or come to study during weekends for a period that will be spread over about two months.

The course has up to 6 students, which allows for personal attention and a peripheral view of the students’ needs.

At the end of the course there will be a final test on the theoretical material and an SRC test, after which you will receive your skipper’s license and operator’s license

Syllabus and costs

Course price: €1760

Test price and certificate: €240

***If you want to complete the IN-SHORE SAILBOAT SKIPPER license as well, it is necessary to register for two full days of interpretation classes in meteorology and safety (minimum 4 people to complete) with an additional 800 euros per person***

Passing the test is a mandatory condition for receiving the certificate

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